What Do I Need To Know
About Cane Corsos?
33 Frequently Asked Questions Answered

by Ken Alden

What do I need to know about Cane Corsos?

If you're considering bringing home one of these amazing dogs then no doubt you've asked yourself this question so you won't be caught by surprise if you do. There's much to learn about them and we've answered the most commonly asked questions potential or newbie owners might have...

What Do I Need To Know About Cane Corsos?

  • Canes drool though not as much as other Mastiff breeds
  • They can be left alone for only a short time
  • They can get along with cats and other dogs if socialized early
  • When provoked they have a bite force of 700 psi
  • They can be prone to health issues like all large breeds

Thinking of getting a Cane Corso? Read on as we answer 33 frequently asked questions regarding Cane Corsos, including questions about their temperament, appearance, athletic ability, and many more.

Pro-tip: Ever try lifting a Cane Corso? Their weight can hurt not only your back but their joints when they hop down from cars, sofas or even your bed. To protect your back and theirs check out the best Mastiff ramps on Amazon.com now.

what do i need to know about cane corsos?

At What Age Do Cane Corsos Stop Growing?

Cane Corsos are a large breed of Mastiff, which is considered one of the largest breeds in the world. If you see your Cane Corso puppy growing larger and larger and fear they’ll never stop, don't worry! They’ll stop eventually.

Cane Corsos stop growing around 1-2 years old. Typically, a Cane Corso will be fully grown by a year old, but some take longer to reach their full growth. By three years old, they’ll be as big as they’ll get. Males can weigh up to 110 lbs (46 kg) while females can weigh up to 100 lbs (42 kg).

Every dog is different, but a Cane Corsos will reach their full size in no time with the right food and exercise.

What Does Cane Corso Mean?

Cane Corsos originated in Italy from the Mastiff dog breed, where their Italian name originates. what do I need to know about cane corsos
Cane Corso means “guardian dog” when translated from Italian. As Cane Corsos are Italian dogs, the word "Cane" is Italian for dog, while the word "Corso" refers to the word cohors, meaning "guardian."

Do Cane Corsos Drool?

Drooling is probably one of the least attractive aspects of owning this dog. However, most dogs drool, so there's no way around it.

Cane Corsos do drool. However, they don't drool as much as many Mastiff breeds. Drooling is common in Cane Corsos due to their larger upper lip, and most of the time, they’ll drool more as a response to stimulus, such as food.

Excessive drooling can also signify something is wrong, or your Cane Corso isn't feeling well. It can be because of nausea, or even something more serious, such as kidney disease, liver disease, or bloat.

Pro-tip: Cane Corso anxiety, aggression, destructive chewing, jumping up, fearfulness, and other behaviors can be controlled with the right training program.

Here’s a great course that addresses these issues along with many other dog training basics: Check it out now!

Do Cane Corsos Shed?

You might think that since Cane Corsos have short fur coats, they won't shed as much as other dogs. However, that's not always the case.

Cane Corsos do shed. Although they have short, dense fur coats and don't require regular grooming, they do shed regularly. During the hot months, Cane Corsos will shed more of their fur to adapt to the weather.

The best way to help with shedding is to brush your Cane Corso regularly with a proper shedding brush. what do I need to know about cane corsos

Can a Cane Corso Be a Service Dog?

Various dog breeds can be service dogs as long as they have the proper training to do so. Some breeds, such as Golden Retrievers and German Shepherds, are the most recommended dog breeds for service dogs; however, other breeds are just as capable.

A Cane Corsos can be a service dog with the proper training. While many people don't recommend Cane Corsos as service dogs due to their sensitive nature, they’re intelligent and loyal. They can usually be trained to excel as service dogs.

If you're looking for a dog specifically as a service dog, a Cane Corso might not be your first choice. However, if you already have a Cane Corso and want to make them a service dog, give it a try!

Can a Cane Corso Kill a Human?

Cane Corsos are giant, agile dogs. However, just like other breeds, without proper training, they can cause severe damage not only to your home and property but to the people in or around them.

A Cane Corso can kill a human. Without proper training, they can be very aggressive dogs, which can result in serious injury to others. Cane Corsos should be trained and socialized from a very young age to prevent unwanted aggression, typically beginning at 16 weeks.

While you typically don't need to worry about your Cane Corso if they’ve been adequately socialized and trained, you should immediately take them to a trainer if you notice any signs of unwarranted aggression.

Can Cane Corsos Be Left Alone?

Many dog breeds can be left alone for extended periods and be just fine, while others don't quite have the knack for spending time by themselves.

Cane Corsos can be left alone but only for a short time. They’re working dogs and love to stay busy. Therefore, if they're bored, they’re more prone to destructive behavior.

As much as they’re good companion dogs, Cane Corsos are working dogs and prefer to have something to do. Allowing your Cane Corso to become bored and restless is a recipe for disaster. what do I need to know about cane corsos

Pro-tip: Cane Corso's (and their owners) love dog crates…and for good reasons. Crates keep dogs from mischief while you're away, are perfect for house training, for traveling by car, and provide the dog a place to de-stress. Check out the best Mastiff crates on Amazon.com now.

Can Cane Corsos Eat Fruit?

While various fruits and veggies are healthy for humans, not every fruit is good for dogs. Some can even be toxic and cause horrible health problems. Cane Corsos are like every other dog when it comes to eating fruits.

Cane Corsos can eat some fruits, like all dogs. Apples, bananas, blueberries, and oranges are some examples of fruits Cane Corsos can safely eat. However, it would be best to avoid cherries, grapes, and tomatoes, as they're toxic and can be fatal to dogs.

Many dogs can have sensitive stomachs, so never feed fruits, or any new foods, in abundance. It's best to always ask a vet for advice before introducing anything new into your Cane Corso’s diet.

Can Cane Corsos Eat Raw Meat?

cane corso about to eat raw meat

Feeding dogs a raw diet has become more popular amongst many dog owners. As dogs have descended from wolves, which used to have raw meat as their primary food source, many believe that domesticated dogs can benefit more from a raw diet. However, the topic is up for debate.

Cane Corsos can eat raw meat as long as a veterinarian approves it. Cane Corso's wolf descendants lived on raw meat, so while it's technically healthy for most dogs, it's more important to know the proper ways to feed them. Cane Corsos typically need at least three pounds (1.36 kg) of food every day.

If you're considering feeding your Cane Corso raw meat, it's best to speak to a vet first. Dogs can have various food sensitivities, and raw meat can be dangerous if you give it incorrectly.

Can Cane Corsos Handle Cold Weather?

The thought of leaving dogs out in the cold can make any dog owner sad. However, many breeds (such as Huskies) excel in colder weather and prefer it.

Cane Corsos can handle cold weather, especially if they have adapted to it. However, cold weather can also make them uncomfortable, especially if they’re outside for long periods. Their short fur coats make them more adept at handling hot weather than cold weather.

If you leave your Cane Corso out in colder weather, it's essential to pay attention to their behavior. If you notice them shaking, they  probably need to come inside.

Can Cane Corsos Live Outside in Winter?

Cane Corsos are great at adapting to their environment, so if you have a large, fenced-in yard, you might want to allow them to live outside in the winter months. But can they withstand it? what do I need to know about cane corsos
Cane Corsos can live outside in winter, as long as it's not too cold. If you live in an area with frigid winters, it would be better to allow your Cane Corso inside. However, if winter doesn't get too cold, Cane Corsos will be just fine living outside.

Even if your Cane Corso lives outside, it's essential to check on them constantly, especially if your fence isn't at least six feet (1.83 m) tall, as most Cane Corsos will be able to jump over it easily.

Can Cane Corsos Live With Cats?

Although dogs and cats are known for their long-time feud, many do get along well.

Cane Corsos can live with cats and get along well with them. Cane Corsos are incredibly loyal and intelligent, so they'll follow the lead of the owners. As long as you train the Cane Corso, they’ll recognize cats as part of the family.

Introducing a cat and Cane Corso as a puppy is the best way to ensure a good relationship between the two. However, even adult Cane Corsos will learn to live with cats with the proper training.

Can Cane Corsos Live With Other Dogs?

Cane Corsos are independent and assertive dogs. Therefore, it might take some time for Cane Corsos to warm up to the other dogs in the house.

Cane Corsos can live with other dogs. But socializing a Cane Corso from a young age is the best way to ensure they can get along with and live with other dogs. Typically, a Cane Corso will only have problems with other male dogs because of their dominant personality.

If you notice any aggression out of your Cane Corso directed toward your other dogs, it's essential to separate them immediately.

Can Cane Corsos Swim?

cane corso swimming

Swimming is a popular activity among many dog breeds, especially for dogs who live in warmer areas. A proper introduction to water will most likely have your dog jumping into the pool any chance they get.

Cane Corsos can swim. They’re very active dogs, so they enjoy any exercise, such as swimming and running. However, many dogs are wary of water, so it's essential to introduce Cane Corsos to water early to ensure their confidence in the water.

Swimming is a good activity for old dogs of large breeds because they’re prone to arthritis, and as they reach old age, it’s a great way for them to improve limb motion and gain muscle. 

Can Cane Corsos Jump High?

Cane Corsos are large, muscular, and active dogs. With that comes some pretty intense leg strength. Therefore, jumping is something Cane Corsos excel at and often do.

Cane Corsos can jump high. They’re very large and athletic and can jump up to six feet (1.83 m) high. Therefore, if you allow your Cane Corso outside without supervision, it's essential to have a fence that is over six feet (1.83 m) tall.

Cane Corsos can be excitable, so training them not to jump when they have the zoomies will ensure you don't get tackled. 

How Big Do Cane Corsos Get?

Cane Corsos are a giant breed of Mastiff, so you most likely assume they'll grow pretty big. But how big do they actually get?

Cane Corsos are one of the largest breeds. Male Cane Corsos can reach, on average, up to 27½ inches (69.85 cm) tall and 100 lbs (45.36 kg), while females can grow up to 26 inches (66.04 cm) tall and 92 pounds (41.73 kg).

If you want a big dog but don't have a lot of space, I wouldn't recommend getting a Cane Corso. They're huge, so they'll need plenty of room to run around.

Do Cane Corsos Attack Owners?

While they might look big and scary, Cane Corsos are typically loving dogs. However, their protective nature can turn into one of aggression.

Cane Corsos can be aggressive and attack their owners if they haven't had the proper training. Typically, Cane Corsos are very loyal and loving toward family members. However, if owners don't assert dominance over the Cane Corso, they might become aggressive.

Do Cane Corsos Bark a Lot?

A dog that barks constantly can get annoying. You can usually train a dog to stop excessive barking, but having a dog that isn't known for barking a lot is the best option if it's an issue for you.

Cane Corsos do bark an average amount. They can be confident and assertive when they want to be, so at times, they may bark more than usual.

Do Cane Corsos Bite?

Any dog has the potential to bite when they’re provoked or senses danger. Cane Corsos are no different!

Cane Corsos can bite when provoked, and they have one of the strongest bites, with a force of 700 psi. Like many large breeds, Cane Corsos see themselves as protectors. However, with proper training, they shouldn't be aggressive.

Do Cane Corsos Bond With One Person?

cane corso being hugged

Initially, Cane Corsos were hunters. However, over the years, they’ve become wonderful companion dogs.

Cane Corsos do tend to bond more with one person. While they love their family and are fiercely protective, they’ll typically pick one person to bond with the most and become the most protective over.

Do Cane Corsos Drink a Lot of Water?

Active dogs tend to drink more water than others. If your dog isn't very active but still drinking more water than usual, this could be a sign of something more serious. Cane Corsos, however, tend to be quite active.

Cane Corsos do drink a lot of water, as they're massive dogs. They tend to drink more water on a kibble diet than a raw diet, and due to their need for plenty of physical exercise, they’ll need to drink a lot of water.

Do Cane Corsos Eyes Stay Blue?

Cane Corsos have cute blue eyes as puppies. Like most breeds (and even humans), the eyes will change colors as the dog ages.

Cane Corsos' eyes don’t stay blue into adulthood. As puppies, Cane Corsos will typically have blue eyes until around 12 to 16 weeks old. The American Kennel Club finds Cane Corso adults with blue eyes a means for disqualification, as they don't meet the breed standard.

Do Cane Corsos Have Health Issues?

All dogs will have some sort of health issue they’re more prone to than others. Knowing how to prevent these issues the best way you can is the key to a healthy dog.

Cane Corsos can have health issues, like all dogs. Larger dogs are more prone to hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and various eye problems as they get older. While this is a normal part of aging, keeping your Cane Corso healthy and active can help prevent some of these issues.

Do Cane Corsos Have Webbed Feet?

Webbed feet are common on birds or other animals that swim. Many dogs have webbed feet, some more webbed than others.

Cane Corsos do have webbed feet. However, they're not overly webbed like Golden Retrievers. All dogs have slightly webbed feet, which tremendously helps with swimming.

Do Cane Corsos Jump Fences?

Having a fenced-in backyard is excellent for preventing dogs from escaping. However, if your dog is a giant Cane Corso, you might still have to worry.

Cane Corsos can jump fences, especially those that are less than six feet (1.83 m) tall. A Cane Corso can jump up to six feet (1.83 m). Therefore, it's essential to have tall enough fencing around your yard, to keep your dog safe and prevent them from escaping. 

It would help if you always kept an eye on your Cane Corso in your backyard to ensure they wouldn't jump your fence and possibly injure themselves.

Do Cane Corsos Make Good Guard Dogs?

Many people who own large dog breeds do so, intending to have a guard dog. Large breeds that are smart and protective are great to have as guard dogs.

Cane Corsos do make excellent guard dogs. People initially bred Cane Corsos as guard dogs and hunters, and because they're so loyal to their family, they make perfect protectors.

Do Cane Corsos Fart a Lot?

If you're sensitive to gross smells, dogs might not be the best choice. All dogs will fart, some more than others, and sometimes it even catches them off guard.

Cane Corsos do fart a lot and are known to be a gassy breed. However, diet plays a significant factor in your Cane Corsos flatulence, so continuously feeding your dog foods that cause gassiness, such as food with high-fat content, will cause more farts.

Do Cane Corsos Get Bloat?

Bloating is a common Mastiff problem and can even be dangerous to some breeds.

Cane Corsos do bloat and are more prone than many other breeds. A health problem many Cane Corsos face includes Gastric Dilation Volvulus (GCV), which is a severe and potentially deadly bloat and should be treated by a veterinarian immediately. what do I need to know about cane corsos

Do Cane Corsos Need a Big Yard?

Any dog breed will enjoy a big yard to run around in more than a small one. As they love to explore, more space is often better.

Cane Corsos ideally need a big yard because they’re big dogs. They love to be active and guard their home, and a big yard will give the large breed the space they need to stay healthy and busy.

Do You Have To Crop Cane Corso Ears?

Ear cropping has become more controversial as the years pass. For some breeds, ear cropping isn't seen as essential anymore, while other breeds still benefit from it.

You don’t technically have to crop Cane Corsos’ ears, but cropping their ears can help prevent ear infections and ear wounds and improve hearing. So, even though cropped ears aren’t needed, it’s the Cane Corso breed standard.

It would be best if you always go to a veterinarian to have your Cane Corsos’ ears cropped to ensure it's done safely and correctly. Learn More Here

How Dangerous Are Cane Corsos?

While bigger dog breeds are typically stereotyped as "dangerous," that's not always the case, and it depends significantly on the training.

Cane Corsos can be dangerous when they're aggressive. Properly trained Cane Corsos will be loving and protective of their family, but, due to their large size and strength, they can become dangerous when they’re provoked or if they feel in danger.

How Do I Know If My Cane Corso Is Pregnant?

Pregnant dogs will often show similar pregnancy symptoms to humans, so it's usually easy to tell when they've become pregnant.

You’ll know if your Cane Corso is pregnant when you notice they’ve gained weight and are not as active as usual. Other signs of a pregnant Cane Corso include a change in appetite, enlarged nipples, and various nesting behaviors.

How Many Puppies Do Cane Corsos Have?

When female dogs become pregnant, it can often be a surprise when they give birth. Unless your dog has gotten an ultrasound at the vet, you won't know the number of puppies until they actually give birth.

Cane Corsos typically have anywhere between eight to 10 puppies in a litter. Large dog breeds tend to have more puppies in a litter than smaller breeds. As Cane Corsos are considered one of the largest breeds, they can typically have a very large litter.

Just because you have a Cane Corso doesn't always mean it will be a huge litter. Some Cane Corsos may only give birth to one or two puppies. However, they're more likely to have multiple.

How Often Do You Bathe a Cane Corso?

Bathing large dog breeds can sometimes be a hassle, but fortunately, you shouldn't have to bathe them too often.

You should only bathe Cane Corsos as needed or every couple of months. If your dog spends a lot of time outside, you can bathe them more often. However, due to their shorter fur coats, they don't need to be washed as often as other breeds.

What Do I Need To Know About Cane Corsos...Final Thoughts

With the proper training a Cane Corsos would be an excellent dog to own. Not only are they great companions, but they're protective, incredibly smart, and fiercely loyal to those they love, making them great family dogs as well as working dogs.

Like many other dogs, they can be aggressive without training or if they sense danger. And, due to their large size, this can make them seem dangerous. However, most of the time, a Cane Corso will be a loving, hyper, and loyal dog.

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About the Author...

Ken Alden, a dedicated Mastiff owner for over eight years, is acclaimed for his expertise in care, grooming, and training. Read more About Me and my dog Shadow.

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